
Markets in a State? Building a new economy that works for all

Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP, leader of the Opposition, will launch the SMF’s 21st anniversary book Markets in a State.

Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP, Leader of the Opposition

Rt Hon Lord Owen

Daniel Franklin, Executive Editor, The Economist

Vicky Pryce, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting

Chair: Ian Mulheirn, Director, Social Market Foundation

The Social Market Foundation was founded in late 1989 as state socialism collapsed in Europe. Today, a global economic crisis has brought us to another fork in the road. We face economic stagnation, a heavy burden of government debt, an unprecedented squeeze on living standards and turmoil in our main export markets. The consequences of the crash will reverberate for years to come and the relationship between the state and the market will inevitably be redefined. But how?

This high-profile events will see the launch of the SMF’s 21st anniversary book Markets in a State. Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP will deliver a keynote address on how we rewrite the rules to build a new economy that works for the many, and enables Britain to pay its way in the world. His speech will be preceded by a panel debate on the state’s role in making our economy work better, featuring distinguished speakers, including Rt Hon Lord Owen.
