
‘Ask the Expert’ 28+ perspectives on Brexit: a guide to the negotiations with Professor Helen Drake

The SMF’s Ask The Expert series, in association with the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), brings academic research on public policy into the heart of Westminster.

This seminar featured Professor Helen Drake, Institute Director, Diplomacy and International Governance, Loughborough University London, who leads an ESRC-funded research project on the Brexit perspectives and negotiating positions of the remaining 27 EU member states.

Professor Helen Drake
Institute Director, Diplomacy and International Governance
Loughborough University, London

About the speaker
Helen Drake is Institute Director, Diplomacy and International Governance at Loughborough University London and also holds a Chair in French and European Studies at Loughborough University. She is an internationally-acclaimed Professor of contemporary French politics and EU affairs, and has chaired the UK’s leading University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) since 2012.Since 2016, Helen has undertaken a series of high-profile research projects surrounding the UK’s departure from the European Union. Since 1st April 2017 (running to 30th September 2018), Helen has led on an ESRC-funded, Brexit-related project entitled ’28+ Perspectives on Brexit: a guide to the multi-stakeholder negotiations’.

Follow the series on Twitter via @SMFthinktank and @ESRC, #SMFask
