Latest Publications

Latest Publications:


NHS at 75: A Reality Check and New Priorities

The NHS’ long anticipated workforce plan is finally here, but it won’t be enough to reverse the health spiral of decline. This pamphlet outlines ways of trying to fix some of the NHS’ problems, by proposing much more devolution of decision-making on services, both regionally and locally, and with a bigger focus on population health and prevention of ill health.
Published: 17 July 2023
Author: Lord Norman Warner

A healthier future: How to make general practice work better for everyone

This is a collection of essays about general practice in England and its future. The authors offer analysis and prescriptions based on expertise developed working in fields including medicine, NHS management, economics and the Civil Service.
Published: 08 November 2021
Author: Social Market Foundation

Measuring and mitigating child hunger in the UK

This report provides survey data and modelled analysis of food insecurity in the UK. It follows high profile campaigns from the footballer Marcus Rashford which have expressed concern over child hunger during the coronavirus pandemic.
Published: 09 December 2020
Author(s): Aveek Bhattacharya, Jake Shepherd