
A bigger slice of a smaller pie? How does becoming poorer shape preferences for redistribution?

At this event, we hosted the Nuffield Politics Research Centre to launch their new review of the public attitudinal consequences of becoming poorer during the cost-of-living crisis.

Nuffield Politics Research Centre’s new systematic review, based on their evaluation of over 100 books and articles of academic research, sheds light on what makes people more or less supportive of policies aimed at alleviating poverty and vulnerability through redistribution.

At this event, the review’s authors Professor Jane Green and Alex Yeandle demonstrated why their findings are essential reading for policymakers, think tanks and charities who want to develop redistribution programmes which can alleviate poverty while also commanding long-lasting public support.

Following a presentation of the key research findings, we heard from journalist Miranda Green and pollster Chris Curtis.

Alex Yeandle, Research Review Writer, Nuffield Politics Research Centre and Co-Author of the report
Jane Green, Professor of Political Science and British Politics, Nuffield College, Director of the Nuffield Politics Research Centre, and Co-Author of the report
Miranda Green, Deputy Opinion Editor, The FT
Chris Curtis, Associate Director, Opinium
James Kirkup, Director, Social Market Foundation (Chair)















