
Levelling down: the medium term local economic impact of coronavirus

This report analyses which industries, places and groups face the greatest economic risk over the medium-term period (2020-2023) as a result of coronavirus.

The reality of the economic disruption is rarely simple: different sectors will face different levels of disruption and workers employed in those sectors are unevenly distributed by geography and demography. Consequently, some locations and some groups of people face much greater economic risks than others.


Search below to see how your local area is likely to be impacted, and explore the interactive charts from the report.


How is your local area impacted?

Search e.g. Falkirk or Liverpool

Which industries are impacted?

This figure shows the severity with which jobs in different broad industries will likely be affected in the medium term. The broad industry of public admin, education and health employs the largest share of British workers and faces a mild economic impact relative to other sectors. More than two thirds of UK jobs are in sectors that face a moderate or severe impact from coronavirus in the medium term.

Who works in these industries?

We consider the proportion of workers in each industry impact category (mild, moderate and severe) by age group. Our analysis highlights a varied picture. The proportion of workers in severely impacted industries is almost consistent across age groups, only varying by five percentage points. However, young people (aged 20 to 24) are least likely to work in industries facing a mild impact.
Our analysis considers how different genders will be impacted by the economic implications of coronavirus. Female workers are more likely to work in mildly impacted industries compared to their male peers. However, this data should not be considered in isolation as female workers went into the crisis in a disadvantaged position relative to their male peers
This figure shows the proportion of workers in each industry impact category by the highest qualification held. The data on skills and qualification levels is varied. Workers with a degree are more likely to be employed in industries facing both severe impact and mild impact. By comparison, workers with no qualifications are most likely to be employed in industries facing moderate or severe impact.

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