Latest Publications

Latest Publications:


A duty of care: In-work poverty in London’s public sector

In-work poverty is not just a problem experienced by workers in the private sector. In this report, we explore the experiences of Londoners who work in the public sector and are living in poverty.
Published: 07 June 2023
Author(s): Jake Shepherd, Richard Hyde

Working lives: Experiences of in-work poverty in London

In the debate over in-work poverty, the human costs of living on low incomes often get lost. Our in-depth interviews with people in work and living below the poverty line present new insight into the experience of in-work poverty in London.
Published: 27 July 2022
Author(s): Richard Hyde, Jake Shepherd

Capital concerns: Poverty in London and the role of business in helping tackle it

This report calls attention to the scale of in-work poverty in the UK and London today, what drives it, and the impact it has. It is a part of a wider project – created in partnership with Trust for London - to develop a new benchmark that helps businesses tackle in-work poverty.
Published: 23 January 2022
Author(s): Richard Hyde, Jake Shepherd

A healthier future: How to make general practice work better for everyone

This is a collection of essays about general practice in England and its future. The authors offer analysis and prescriptions based on expertise developed working in fields including medicine, NHS management, economics and the Civil Service.
Published: 08 November 2021
Author: Social Market Foundation

Help at hand: poverty and London’s business community

This research shows that whilst poverty is not currently the top ESG priority for many businesses in London, there is an appetite among many firms to confront the problem.
Published: 21 July 2021
Author(s): Richard Hyde, Jake Shepherd

A stake in success: Employee share ownership and the post-COVID economy

This report sets out the case for an expansion of employee share ownership in the UK, and for the share ownership agenda to form a key part of a “fair and strong economic recovery” narrative as we emerge from the Coronavirus crisis.
Published: 04 May 2021
Author: Scott Corfe

Job switching and wage growth for low-income workers

This paper is draws upon a Social Market Foundation roundtable held in early-March 2020. Whilst the economic context has changed considerably, long-run issues surrounding wage growth - and disparities between job switchers and stayers - are likely to remain unchanged.
Published: 12 November 2020
Author(s): James Kirkup, Kathryn Petrie

The parenthood penalty? Exploring gender, family and pay in London

This report, commissioned by Peabody, provides new insights into the lives of individuals living in London – in particular, with respect to their living standards and financial situation.
Published: 05 March 2020
Author: Scott Corfe

Strengthening employee share ownership in the UK

This report analyses the scope to promote wider individual employee share ownership in the UK, and the potential benefits of doing so.
Published: 10 February 2020
Author(s): James Kirkup, Scott Corfe